We’ve defederated from :


based on the list of instances made by @sunaurus@lemm.ee here - Thank you again for that work, it’s highly appreciated.

This is a preventive measure against massive amounts of accounts being created for botting purposes. Most instances banned appear to be 1 user instances so we don’t think this will have a great effect on anyone’s usage of Beehaw. If you are an admin of one of those instances, feel free to contact us at support@beehaw.org

  • Gaywallet (they/it)
    1 year ago

    This is one of the many, but perhaps most pressing of reasons we need better moderation and admin tools. There is currently no way to stop spam from instances like this except defederation at this time.

    Realistically there are far too many small instances which are set up by a single person who’s setting up an instance for their own learning, their own fun, or other reasons but who isn’t a fullstack developer, a seasoned sysadmin, good at sysops, a database engineer, a security expert, and all the roles an instance currently needs with how new this platform currently is. There will always be more instances like this as an attack vector for spam, trolling, and other malicious purposes.

    If the goal is to allow people to set up their own instances and we are promoting and encouraging people to do this, we need tools for the larger instances to manage this or we’re going to end up with a community that is constantly in the process of fragmenting more and more and one where measures are taken by the largest instances to isolate themselves from smaller instances which are frequently used as attack vectors.

    If you’re a developer, please please please focus your efforts on more granular administrative tools. We cannot whitelist or blacklist instances. There are no tools to evaluate how trustworthy a source is. If there’s a blacklist/whitelist, there’s no way for an instance or a user to apply to a community on another instance. There are plenty of individuals with great ideas on how this might be accomplished, and having access to many different tools and strategies will make this platform healthy.

  • alyaza [they/she]
    1 year ago

    here is a list, btw, of tools we’d like if possible:

    • Role for approval of applications (to delegate)
    • Site mods (to delegate from admins)
    • Auto-report posts with certain keywords or domains (for easier time curating without reports)
    • Statistics on growth (user, comments, posts, reports)
      • User total
      • MUA
      • User retention
      • Number of comments
      • Number of posts
      • Number of reports open
      • Number of reports resolved
    • Sort reports
      • by resolved/open
      • by local/remote
    • Different ways to resolved a report
      • Suspend account for a limited amount of time rather than just banning
      • Send warning
    • Account mod info
      • Number of ‘strikes’ (global and local) and reports
      • Moderation notes
      • Change email
      • Change password
      • Change role
    • Ability to pin messages in a post
    • Admins should be able to purge
    • Filter modlog to local
    • Better federation tools (applications to communities, limiting)
      • Applications to communities to allow safe spaces to exist (people should not be able to just “walk in” on a safe space - similarly to follow requests in Mastodon in a way)
      • Limiting (Lock our communities down from certain instances but still allow people using our instance to talk to people from those instances)

    federation tools are our highest priority, but any of these would be welcome additions

    • @abhibeckert@beehaw.org
      11 year ago

      Adding to this - not a software solution but a platform one…

      I think it would make sense to be able to outsource a lot of this stuff to a trusted third party. That’s how email generally works these days for example.

      Beehaw would, of course, have it’s own moderation/policy/etc team, but wouldn’t it be better if you could also run a first pass check, possibly an automated one, that works across instances and flags accounts with known bad behavior (anything from illegal content to just being downvoted into obvlivion with every post they make on a reputable community).

  • @patchymoose@beehaw.org
    01 year ago

    I have an account with Rammy that I had created specifically because I wanted to be able to interact with both Beehaw and Lemmy.World. It is so hard to find an instance that lets me interact with both, because Beehaw keeps defederating things. Does anyone have any advice on an instance I can join which federates with both Beehaw and Lemmy.world, and isn’t going to get on Beehaw’s defederating list in a week?

  • Retronautickz
    01 year ago

    Thank you

    A question: Is it possible on Lemmy intances to put the reason for defederation beside the server domain on the defederated intances list?

    • @Nicktar@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      Currently it isn’t and I don’t think, that this would be the best idea ever since it could be misused as some kind of index to find bad instances. The defederated-list is available to the public and thus the defederating instance could in fact be “advertizing” the instances they defederated from (“Look, we don’t want this stuff here, but these instances are for [right-wing|transphobes|bots|spammers|porn]”)…

      Depending on where the instance is hosted or where the admin lives, it might even be illegal to in fact point people to places where they can find certain things.

      • Retronautickz
        01 year ago

        In my experience, it helps people new to the fediverse (specially if they want to start their own server) to know who to block/limit. People who actually want to be in those kind of massively defederated instance know how to join them and even have their own list of instances to join, without looking at the list from a small queer instance or even sites like JoinFediverse and the like.

        • @Nicktar@beehaw.org
          11 year ago

          There are a few different things I’d like to mention:

          • I don’t think, that there is such a thing as a massively defederated instance exists right now. The most blocked instance is blocked by about 11% of the instances, followed by two instances at 6%
          • Even if the die hard scene users would know their instances, not every random troll or spammer would.
          • This doesn’t address the possible legal issues of publicly announcing where someone could find illegal content
          • If “small queer instance” refers to beehaw… That’s the second largest instance there is as of today according to https://github.com/maltfield/awesome-lemmy-instances

          And lastly: If you’re new to the fediverse you maybe shouldn’t run your own instance in first place. Helping reckless people pull reckless stunts is a bad reason to promote a feature.